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A little reflection daily about my language acquisition

Friday, 1 October 2021

Less and More

 Less left brain; more right brain

1. Less grammar, more pattern recognition

2. Less explanation, more getting used to

3. Less use of dictionaries, more guessing from context

4. Less memorization, more exposure

5. Less study, more ‘surfing’

6. Less homework, more entertainment

7. Less schooling, more real-life application

8. Less effort, more efficiency/effectiveness

9. Less stress, more fun

10. Less of doing exercises, more noodling

11. Less intensity/seriousness, more hobbyist

12. Less drill, more natural repetition 

13. Less pressure to perform, more patience

14. Less testing, more self-assessment

15. Less penalizing, more risk-taking

16. Less self-consciousness, more flow

17. Less translation, more immersion

18. Less artificiality, more authenticity

19. Less grading, more gradual improvement

20. Less analysis, more text-ure

21. Less ideology, more exploration

22. Less correction. more growth/evolution

23. Less output, more input

24. Less focus on form, more focus on meaning

25. Less perfection, more improvement

26. Less administration, more self-direction

27. Less curriculum, more spontaneity

28. Less structure, more variety

29. Less engagement with tasks, more engaging with narratives

30. Less separation, more integration

31. Less certainty, more ambiguity

32. Less teaching, more discovery

33. Less prescription, more freedom

34. Less reduction, more whole language

35. Less direction, more self-reliance

36. Less focus on vocabulary, more focus on meaning

37. Less work, more play

38. Less step-by stepping, more leaps of excitement

39. Less classroom, more universe

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