What's this?

A little reflection daily about my language acquisition

Monday, 11 October 2021


 What about output? How will the input I'm doing lead to output? I must confess that I haven't given that question much thought.

I do believe that output lies further on the progression along which I'm progressing. And I also believe that input is the prerequisite of output. Nevertheless, I'm not all that clear in my mind how the former leads to the latter. 

Learn the language first - that makes sense. I need to understand it before being able to use it. I'll be able to read it more and more easily. My reaction time will decrease. 

Then, I'll segue into listening, and again my reaction time will decrease; I'll comprehend connected sentences only after I comprehend stand-alone sentences.

Finally, I'll be able to produce sentences in response as the fraction of my attention I need to devote to understanding decreases, and my familiarity with the common words and structures increases. I won't be obliged to think through my responses. It'll be like handling a motor vehicle without paying attention to individual controls.

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