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A little reflection daily about my language acquisition

Wednesday, 28 February 2018


I’m checking my Kindle. Today I’ve done Dutch, German, French, Swedish, Japanese and finally Spanish. I could have done Italian too, Danish, Norwegian and maybe a couple of others. They don’t take any effort, and the Kindle-slash-Heinrich method works comfortably.

A little too comfortably, too slowly. I’d achieve 2 or 3 times as much simultaneously listening and reading. Why don’t I do that?

Tomorrow I’ll institute an hour doing 4 languages for 15 minutes each at one sitting.

After that, it’s high time how to tackle others like Polish, Greek, Russian and maybe Finnish. They need more careful handling.

Today: J5 D1 G1 F1 Sp1 Sw1          

Total: J508 D196 G83 P60 F55 Sp38 A9 I9 C8 Sw4 Ru2 Da2 N2 Ro2 M1 Gk1

Tuesday, 27 February 2018


With certain students I’m able to discuss the concept of holistic language learning. With other students I need to be careful to keep both the language and the ideas as simple as possible, at least at the start. It takes some time for ‘unlearning’ to take place.

For myself, the Heinrich maneuver is going very well. However, I still need to get into the habit of listening as I read in order to increase the speed, understanding and absorption of language. 

For me, too, hearing a new idea, even understanding a new idea, is not sufficient to make it habitual.

Today: J5 D1 G1 P1 F1 Sp1 I1 Sw1          

Total: J503 D195 G82 P60 F54 Sp37 A9 I9 C8 Ru2 Da2 N2 Sw3 Ro2 M1 Gk1

Monday, 26 February 2018


Some sort of an orientation day today, with maybe a dozen stalls set up in the Otago Polytechnic foyer. I got a mini-frisbee and a couple of packs of colour pencils. I’ll wrap them up as a homecoming/Christmas present for Sachi.

But there was a stall I was interested in: OUSA Clubs and Societies Centre. It seems to me that that would be a good place to start a Polyglot club. I’ll give it some thought.

My new motto is that I can already read every language. It’s just a question of degree. I’ll try it on my class tomorrow.

Today: J4 D1 P1 F1 Sp1 I1 Sw1 Gk1          

Total: J498 D194 G81 P59 F53 Sp36 A9 I8 C8 Ru2 Da2 N2 Ro2 Sw2 M1 Gk1

Sunday, 25 February 2018


I’ll keep this entry short and sweet today. And quick!

Sometimes I manage less than 15 minutes on a language before I get interrupted. I figured out that it’s best that, when I next get the opportunity, not to try and make up the 15 minutes, because then I get into a ‘catch-up’ frame of mind. Now I’ve decided to simply start another language, so that it feels I’m making progress. Hence today’s tally.

With Polish, I scoot ahead to the next 5-word (or less) sentence. I don’t waste time on the longer ones. Again, it’s a question of progress. 

Today: J4 D1 G1 P1 F1 Sp1          

Total: J494 D193 G81 P58 F52 Sp35 A9 I8 C8 Ru2 Da2 N2 Ro2 M1 Sw1

Saturday, 24 February 2018


It’s been a slow day for me, language-wise. Nevertheless, I did do my quota of kanji (including at the Taieri Lookout), I highlighted a few 5-word Polish sentences in the staffroom on a Sunday morning, as well as touching base in Dutch with Mr Reacher.

But what I will write about is a chess game. I’ve subscribed to Asaf Givon’s channel. He plays a game of blitz and commentates live in what is obviously for him a second language. That takes chops. I could take a leaf from his book about how to remain calm and unruffled in any circumstances. 

Today: J4 D1 P1          

Total: J490 D192 G80 P57 F51 Sp34 A9 I8 C8 Ru2 Da2 N2 Ro2 M1 Sw1


Listening to the second tape cassette side of the Romanian course, I realize once more just how terribly inadequate traditional language instruction is. Truly awful! And so it is just as well that I’m trying to do something about it.

I have learned how to arrange, according to difficulty, sentences using Excel. I copy them across from a word document after starting each sentence on a new line. I’m able to automatically count the number of characters per cell (but I haven’t learned yet how to automatically count the words). Roughly, the more letters (or words) the harder the sentence. 

Today: J4 D1 Ro1          

Total: J486 D191 G80 P56 F51 Sp34 A9 I8 C8 Ru2 Da2 N2 Ro2 M1 Sw1 

Thursday, 22 February 2018


Thanks to an Argentinian student, I learned about Hard To Find, a secondhand bookshop. It would be among the best I’ve ever visited. In terms of foreign-language books, they have mainly German novels on the shelf. But I’ve yet to check their online list. They are open 7 days a week, from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. They’ve a comfortable couch, and they encourage reading! Say no more.

From other secondhand stores, I recently picked up a French Berlitz course for 50 cents, and a two-cassette course in spoken Romanian for not much more. What is the world coming to?

Today: J4 D1 F1 Sp1 Ro1          

Total: J482 D190 G80 P56 F51 Sp34 A9 I8 C8 Ru2 Da2 N2 M1 Sw1 Ro1


Something interesting here. 

Yesterday, I took a look at a couple of new books on my Kindle. Another 2 Jack Reacher novels. Both of them in Swedish. Which makes that my 3rd or maybe 4th Scandinavian language. Which made me think that I might as well think of them all as one language that I’m learning. Which made me consider that ALL the languages I’m learning might as well be grouped into one ‘super-language’.

That’s the difference. Conventional learning is strict about ring-fencing languages. They are thought to ‘interfere’ with each other. But in my book they support one another. 

Today: J3 D2 P1 F1 Sp1 I1          

Total: J482 D190 G80 P56 F51 Sp34 A9 I8 C8 R2 Da2 N2 M1 Sw1

Tuesday, 20 February 2018


I’ve had to take 2 naps today. Working with people sure tires me out.

But learning another language—or a dozen—is so much simpler. I could do it all day! I worked on my Kanji system. It’s going well. And I did some Italian from 8 a.m. I highlight the word per line that is most familiar to me, or the easiest to remember. I’m going through Zona Pericolosa, or Killing Floor. I realize that I’m using Lee Child’s work for Italian, Polish and Dutch. Years ago in Japan I thought his books would be great for absorbing English.

Today: J4 D1 I1          

Total: J479 D188 G80 P55 F50 Sp33 A9 C8 I7 R2 Da2 N2 M1 Sw1

Monday, 19 February 2018


It’s been a satisfying day. I enjoyed 6 languages. I also obtained resources in Romanian (tape cassettes), French, Dutch and Portuguese. What would increase my enjoyment even further would be to have specific activities ready for all 14 languages currently ‘on line’, and then to increase that number to and even beyond the 20 that I’ve set my sights on. That’d make Harry’s day!

Speaking of Harry, I downloaded some Jo Nesbo books, including some with the Harry Hole character after randomly selecting Norwegian to listen to. The author is Norwegian, but his work’s been translated into several other languages.

Today: J5 D1 G1 P1 F1 N1          
Total: J475 D187 G80 P55 F50 Sp33 A9 C8 I6 R2 Da2 N2 M1 Sw1

Sunday, 18 February 2018


I was speaking in the staffroom, discussing the benefits of a Kindle to a couple of staff members. I mentioned how I was able to flip from the English version of a book to the German. They were mightily impressed, not only with the technology, but that I could actually manage in another language!

I would like to set up some sort of a language club. An informal venue and association. It could be called the Polytech Polyglots, open only to people interested in learning more than one language at a time.

Who should I speak with to start it?

Today: J5 G1 P1 I1          

Total: J470 D186 G79 P54 F49 Sp33 A9 C8 I6 R2 Da2 M1 N1 Sw1


I discovered a research paper on Whole Language. It meshes well with what I’ve been trying to follow, implement, explain and write about. And now it has a name. I sent copies to my colleagues. See what they think.

I was going to write that today I did nothing but Japanese—both the drama, Mother, and my kanji nomenclature. I even did the latter at Mum’s room in Mosgiel. The place has been shut down because of a bug, but I got in the back way. 

Then I remembered that one of 20 books I picked up is in Samoan. 

Today: J5          

Total: J465 D186 G78 P53 F49 Sp33 A9 C8 I5 R2 Da2 M1 N1 Sw1

Friday, 16 February 2018


For my class starts next week, I was could buy 20 notebooks for 5 cents each. $1 in total. I plan to use them as a dialogue journal and reading log. More on whole language practice tomorrow.

For myself, I ‘rolled’ 2 random numbers. For each, I listened and read, the way that I’ll get my class to listen while reading to scripted audiobooks. I listened to 15 minutes of Danish, and I listened and read (both) in Japanese to the entire first chapter of HP1. It’s as least as manageable as German. And not all that far off Dutch!

Today: J5 D1 I1 Da1           

Total: J460 D186 G78 P53 F49 Sp33 A9 C8 I5 R2 Da2 M1 N1 Sw1

Thursday, 15 February 2018


Now I’m watching an 8-part drama series called Mother. It’s really rather good, and addictive viewing. It has a young child as one of the main characters, so it has enough simple Japanese to satisfy me. But since child abuse is one of the issues, I don’t think that I’ll let Sachi watch it. It’s set near Hakodate, in Hokkaido, so the winter scenes are natsukashii.

Apart from that, I busied myself earlier in the day with some kanji work, some Dutch and also some Italian. Rather than all those European languages interfering with each other, they are mutually supportive. 

Today: J5 D1 I1          

Total: J455 D185 G78 P53 F49 Sp33 A9 C8 I4 R2 Da1 M1 N1 Sw1

Wednesday, 14 February 2018


Three things before I forget, and before I need to attend to the chicken in the oven.

First: it’s fun to do several intervals of 15 minutes in different locations, between which I walk or cycle. 

Second: I agree with Steve Kaufmann when he advises people not to hurry with learning a language. You oughtn’t do it for others, because that only places you under pressure. You should enjoy the process.

Third: I find that I’m enjoying rereading Lee Child’s books in a different language. It’s completely different to rereading in English. It’s as if it’s a completely different book. 

Today: J4 D1 P1 G1 Sp1 F1          

Total: J450 D184 G78 P53 F49 Sp33 A9 C8 I3 Da1 R2 M1 N1 Sw1

Tuesday, 13 February 2018


I searched for a Japanese movie with English subtitles on Youtube yesterday. There were plenty. The second one that I tried was ideal. The speaking is slow and clear. The genre is slice-of-life—a sort of romantic comedy. I’m not sure whether its title is Evergreen or Our Meal for Tomorrow. But whatever, I downloaded it (and also Shall We Dance?—another favorite) so that I can watch it—them—at any time. I only watched the first half hour, and the entire movie is 2 hours long so there’s plenty to go. I’d better get started right away, then. 

Today: J4 D1 P1          

Total: J446 D183 G77 P52 F48 Sp32 A9 C8 I3 Da1 R2 M1 N1 Sw1

Monday, 12 February 2018


It’s interesting how the Japanese get 3 times the value from a story. Often something becomes popular as a manga. They then turn it into an anime series. And then I can also evolve into a television drama series, and/or perhaps a movie. Perhaps the morphing order changes—I don’t know. And perhaps I’ll watch something tonight.

But I haven’t given up on my Kindle. I experimented this morning at the 400-metre track. I built up to a lap jogging alternating with a lap walking. I find that I can tackle Dutch, German and Spanish no problem. Total physical response?

Today: J4 D1 G1 Sp1          

Total: J442 D182 G77 P51 F48 Sp32 A9 C8 I3 Da1 R2 M1 N1 Sw1

Sunday, 11 February 2018


Whilst browsing Tokyo Toshokan, I noticed that they have drama programmes as well as manga and anime, so I read a review or two, and downloaded several. Princess Jellyfish sounded intriguing, to say the least. And so I’ll watch the first episode this evening. From what I could see, the sound is in Japanese, but the subtitles are in English. 

If it goes well, I may do this regularly. I’ve been spending too many hours on the computer lately, so this may be a way to divert that time into something more profitable.

Expect a review of this drama tomorrow.

Today: J3 D1 G1 F1 P1 Sp1 Sw1          

Total: J438 D181 G76 P51 F48 Sp31 A9 C8 I3 Da1 R2 M1 N1 Sw1

Saturday, 10 February 2018


First thing in the day, Japanese ghost pranks. Last thing in the day, We Love Russia. This is the first and last time I’ll claim language time from watching Youtube, I promise!

Apart from that, I did spend quite a lot of time at my mother’s and at home working on my kanji classification list. And on the way back from Mosgiel at the recycling store in Green Island, I discovered half a dozen manga—Attack on Titan and Psyren. They are in English so I’ll search for raw scans on Tokyo Toshokan. You never know what’s around the corner!

Today: J4 D1 R1          

Total: J435 D180 G75 P50 F47 Sp30 A9 C8 I3 Da1 R2 M1 N1

Friday, 9 February 2018


For the first time in a long while, I did some listening. I listened while reading. And I did them both in Japanese, the listening and reading.

I hadn’t listened to that passage before—although I’m familiar with the book. I dipped into HP1 about 2 to 3 hours in, and then opened up the pdf to find my place. It didn’t take me long—a couple of minutes only.

It surprised me. I was astounded, actually, at how effortlessly I was able to follow along. Of course, I didn’t recognize everything. But during even with those bits I relaxed. 

Today: J3 D1 P2          

Total: J431 D179 G75 P50 F47 Sp30 A9 M8 I3 Da1 R1 Mo1 N1

Thursday, 8 February 2018


I got 6 languages done, and that’s not all. In the free bin at my favorite op shop, there was a glossy illustrated astronomy book all in Maori. Well, I never!

All but one language was managed by Kindle. I’m highlighting sentences that I can take a stab at. This allows me to zip though comprehensibler input (i.e. more comprehensible). Using ‘View Notes and Marks’ from the menu generates statistics too. And so I can see that in the first HP1 chapter there are 119 Spanish sentences that I have my eye on. In Polish, with One Shot, there’s 109.

Today: J1 D1 G1 P1 F1 Sp1         
Total: J428 D178 G75 P48 F47 Sp30 A9 M8 I3 Da1 R1 Mo1 N  


I’ll write 100 words twice today. That’s because I’ll change the timing. I want to write in the evening so as to free up the mornings. At that time, I want to devote a little time to my most favorite area of interest: metaphysics.

This means I’ll be fresher, in the sense that I’ll more easily remember the day’s activities. On the other hand, I’ll feel less inclined to do the work, since my energy is low at the day’s end. I’ll just need to ensure that the habit never starts to feel like work, then.

On with the show!

Today: J1 D1 P1 F1 A1         
Total: J427 D177 G74 P47 F46 Sp29 A9 M8 I3 Da1 R1 Mo1 N

Wednesday, 7 February 2018


The reason, I think, that I’m doing so well with my bunch of languages is how I’m doing it. For each, I have their own resource—a book. I have a specific activity that I do with that book that is suited to my current level with the language. I’ve made sure that the book and the activity are interesting for me. Also, I tend to do each of them at certain times of the day. And my target—15 minutes—is both doable, and of a size, a lightness, so it feels more like play than it does work.

Today: J2 D1 G1 P1 F1        

Total: J426 D176 G74 P46 F45 Sp29 A8 M8 I3 Da1 R1 Mo1 N

Tuesday, 6 February 2018


Somehow I shorten Spanish to ‘Sp’. Why is that? Did I have Swedish on the go at some point in the past, and was I wanting to differentiate them?

But I’m to work with a couple of Argentinian students, starting today. Just 5 hours in total, spread over today and the day after tomorrow, but I get to do with them what I want. Pay them back for Argentina 1978, perhaps! Mario Kempes, that Frank Zappa look-alike.

Otherwise, it’s been another good day with my foothold languages. If I could only spend one session per day on a new one.

Today: J4 D1 G1 P1 F1 Sp1       
Total: J424 D175 G73 P45 F44 Sp29 A8 M8 I3 Da1 R1 Mo1 N1

Monday, 5 February 2018


It’s been a fabulous day, in that I got 6 languages done. But things can always be better. The 6 languages that I enjoyed were those that I’ve got a good foothold in. There are 7 others that could do with a boost.

Second, although I spend a great deal of time on Japanese, it is the nitty-gritty fiddly sort—individual kanji. I like better what I’ve recently done with German, Italian and Norwegian, when I simply listened to a text while following along either in English or those languages themselves.

I’ll limit myself to 10 kanji, therefore, before listening.  

Today: J2 D1 G1 P1 F1 Sp1        

Total: J420 D174 G72 P44 F42 Sp28 A8 M8 I3 Da1 R1 Mo1 N1

Sunday, 4 February 2018


Norwegian is nothing. When I listen to, or read over it, with the English equivalent alongside, it’s simplicity itself to understand the text’s overall meaning. It resembles nothing so much as, say, 500-year-old English. That applies to all the Scandinavian and Germanic languages too. And you could include the Romance tongues.

Yesterday I introduced my two grandchildren to the joys of the Green island recycling store. They picked up a fancy-gadget (toy) gun each, me a couple of books in French:

Le Vice-consul by Marguerite Duras, and Six More French Comedies, originally a KVHS class set book issued in 1961.

Today: J5 I1 D1        

Total: J418 D173 G71 P43 F41 Sp27 A8 M8 I3 Da1 R1 Mo1 N1

Saturday, 3 February 2018


That kitchen timer’s getting lots of use. I measure off language practice increments. But it’s also good for making progress on other projects. It helps me advance them. And when I’m out of the kitchen, I can call up a countdown timer (with or without music and a bomb) the way that I do in the classroom.

My Polish book is One Shot. I thought that I might have a copy at work, so in the evening I cycled down to check. However, it was Killing Floor, which I have in Italian, so I kicked off with that language too.

Today: J2 P1 F1 Sp1 I1 N1          

Total: J413 D172 G71 P43 F41 Sp27 A8 M8 I2 Da1 R1 Mo1 N1

Friday, 2 February 2018


On their penultimate day, my class underwent 5-min ‘speed-dating’ interviews. I used that approach in another area yesterday afternoon using my kitchen timer, thereby spending time on a greater than usual number of languages.

The other thing I thought about was how I really wanted to ‘do’ languages and language coaching overall. With the former I just want to dabble. With the latter, I wish to get my ideas out there. I neither wish to sell nor work alongside of anyone. 

For me, to write a good book—or booklet—is best. I don’t wish to deal with actual people. 

Today: J5 P1 G1 Sp1 D1          

Total: J411 D172 G71 P42 F40 Sp26 A8 M8 Da1 R1 Mo1 I1

Thursday, 1 February 2018


In the midst of end-of-course throes, I nevertheless managed to do a little with two languages. I also did a bit of reflection and invention.

With Polish, I’ve returned to Jack Reacher. I like to ‘do a Heinrich’ and compare a sentence at a time. For each sentence I choose a word to copy down—whether I know it or not. This gives me a sense of progress. I thought of just copying the first word in the sentence that I didn’t know, but that would rob me of scanning the rest of it.

“Untaught language” has only 142 hits.

Today: J4 P2          

Total: J406 D170 G70 P41 F40 Sp25 A8 M8 Da1 R1 Mo1 I1