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A little reflection daily about my language acquisition

Monday 10 October 2016


I recycled some books yesterday, including a paperback copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. I replaced it with a pristine hardback. Cost me 108 yen. New, the book had cost 1900 yen. It’s that 5% thing again!

The book is my first real tool for the Voyage of Languages that I’ve embarked on. It’s symbolic. Magic content, magic method!

And last night I dreamed about showing off in the languages I know. I dreamed about starting off with Spanish too.

I also decided to sign up for Visionary Business School. I’m storing my bicycles. I’m storming the castle!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, good times! There was a lot going on just then. I'm glad to report that the enthusiasm is just as great 3-and-a-half months later. Listening to the 12th and final module of Ryan Eliason's VBS this morning.
